Forest Pack 6.1

Forest Pack 6.1

Do you know how to create natural landscapes with a lot of magnificent details?

Do you know how to recreate millions of models at a go after designing a 3D model?

Do you know how much valuable your work will be when created with a high-quality rendering?

Most professional 3D artists, especially those who work with the 3ds Max software, will quickly tell you the answers to the above questions. But if you are one of the few people that’s still thinking about the answers, then you should know that, there is a powerful and valuable plugin for 3Ds Max called Forest Pack.



What Exactly is Forest Pack?

Forest pack is regarded as one of the world’s most power scattering plugin for the 3ds Max software. It gives users a complete package packed with wide variety of objects ranging from trees, plants to buildings, aggregates, crowds, ground-cover, rocks and so many others.

If you can create a model, then, Forest pack can scatter it for you.

Forest pack operates as a multi-threaded application that is highly optimized for efficiency and speed. Typically, a scene created with Forest Pack can contain over 100,000 objects, with each having over 1-million polys, and yet takes just few minutes to render.

Since we have answered the first two questions squarely, let’s take a look at what is means to render with high quality.

Extreme high-quality renderings will require the use of a render farm that supports both the software and its plugins in order to provide the highest quality rendering possible within the shortest amount of time.



Render Boost is an official iToo Software render farm with over 12000 GHz powers and supports GPU rendering. Our render farm is perfect for 3ds max software users.

Besides that, we are also an official render farm for iToo software plugins. And we are happy to let you know that, the iToo Software Forest Pack 6.1 is now available at Render Boost for 3Ds Max 2016 – 2019.1 versions.

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