Render Plans

Render Boost Student Plan 1.2 Cents/GHz

Render Boost (render farm) is proud to offer a unique plan for students and artists on a small budget. Although this plan has a lower number of render nodes assigned to your project, thanks to our massive rendering power, you will almost never have to wait in a long queue.

  • Price Rate: 1.2cents/GHz
  • Start Time: Instant
  • 24/7 Support: Ticket, Email, Live Chat


Render Boost Artist Plan 2.2 Cents/GHz

This Render Boost balanced plan is perfect for both individuals and companies who want to have the benefit of significant rendering power combined with faster turnaround.

  • Price Rate: 2.2cents/GHz
  • Start Time: Instant
  • 24/7 Support: Ticket, Email, Live Chat


Render Boost Company Plan 4.2 Cents/GHz

The Company Plan is the optimal choice for companies and important, urgent jobs. You will instantly get the highest number of nodes assigned to your project combined with minimal turnaround times.

  • Price Rate: 4.2cents/GHz
  • Start Time: Instant
  • Support 24H: Ticket, Email, Live Chat


Render Plans


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