We offer a broad range of special discounts based on prepaid packages. You can purchase these packages in your user panel, in the payment section.
Amount | Free % | Total Boost Point |
500 USD | 5% | 525 BP |
1000 USD | 10% | 1100 BP |
2000 USD | 15% | 2300 BP |
3000 USD | 20% | 3600 BP |
4000 USD | 25% | 5000 BP |
5000 USD | 30% | 6500 BP |
6000 USD | 35% | 8100 BP |
7000 USD | 40% | 9800 BP |
8000 USD | 45% | 11600 BP |
9000 USD | 50% | 13500 BP |
10000 USD | 55% | 15500 BP |
Over 10000 USD | - | Negotiable |
Render Boost cost estimator provides an easy way to know the cost of your rendering
project and plan ahead.
Take a minute to estimate your job.
Here is a quick look at the most important features of the Render Boost payment system
With our PayPal gateway you get access to pay with Balance, Master and VIsa Credit Card
Access to invoice history helps you to quickly identify and review a detailed list of all activities pertaining to a specific invoice including all payments
All payments in RenderBoost are made using the latest security methods over SSL secure connection
Our Render Boost currency is called Boost Point, One boost point is equal to 1 USD